Wednesday 25 July 2012

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

The freshwater garfish, Xenentodon cancila is the sole member of its genus. It is found primarily in freshwater habitats,though it is sometimes found in brackish water and the sea. It is most common in rivers, but may also be found ponds, canals, and other freshwater habitats.It is the only member of the genus Xenentodon.As a reasonably popular aquarium fish Xenentodon cancila, has been traded under a variety of common names, including needlefish,silver needlefish,Asian freshwater needlefish,needlenose halfbeak,freshwater gar,and numerous others. While belonging to the same family as the marine needlefish known in Europe as gar or garpike, Belone belone,these fish are of course much more distantly related to other fishes sometimes called gars (such as the North American Lepisosteidae and South American pike characins).

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

Xenentodon Cancila

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